Professional Development And Continuing education Units

Information for GSCA Conference Attendees

All 2024 conference attendees can download a Professional Development Form from the conference app during the Conference.  The form can also be accessed on the web after the Conference. (your login from the app is required to access the form on the web).

  • After the conference, attendees will be responsible for downloading and completing the form, indicating which sessions and events have been attended.
  • At the conclusion of the conference, attendees will sign and date the form.  If you would like the office to retain a copy of your form, you may upload it using this link (Link will be available after conference ends).
  • Credit Hours available at the 2024 Conference - TBA: 
    • Up to xx hours for pre-conference attendance (additional fee to attend one of these sessions)
    • xx hours for general and concurrent sessions (subject to change based on final conference schedule).

The Professional Development form can also be accessed on the web after the Conference (your login from the app is required to access the form on the web).

Attendees are responsible for self-submitting to the appropriate credentialing body.  GSCA does not provide certificates of conference attendance. 

If you would like GSCA to keep a back up copy of your 2023 completed form, you can upload it here.

National Certified School Counselors (NCSC):  NCSCs are board certified counselors who offer the highest standards of practice for schools and students because they have met stringent education, examination, supervision, experience, and ethical requirements in school counseling.  For details, please click the links below:
General Information
Continuing Education Information & to Download Submission Form

Licensed Professional Counselors in Georgia:  For details, please click the links below:
General Information
State of Georgia Application for Reinstatement (from State Board Website, form version March 2017)

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC):  GaPSC was created by the Georgia General Assembly on July 1, 1991, to assume full responsibility for the preparation, certification, and professional conduct of certified personnel employed in the Georgia public schools.  Professional learning for the purpose of certificate renewal in Georgia is described in Certification Rule 505-2-.36, Renewal Requirements. This rule outlines the basic requirements that professional learning must be job-embedded, done on a continuous basis, and done while working with colleagues in a professional learning community.  For more information, please click below:
Professional Learning for Certificate Renewal

Questions? Please contact