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The 30th Annual Renfrew Center Foundation Virtual Conference

Friday, November 13, 2020 to Monday, December 14, 2020

Event Details

 The 30th Annual Renfrew Center Foundation VIRTUAL Conference for Professionals

Feminist Relational Perspectives and Beyond: Lessons Learned

Available November 13 through December 14, 2020

Up to 31 CEs/CMEs Offered

The Renfrew Center Foundation invites you to experience an innovative, web-based Conference for these extraordinary times!  Renfrew is bringing you a virtual Conference offering up to 31 CEs/CMEs, showcasing 3 exciting, live Keynote presentations, 18 on-demand breakout sessions, networking activities and many special events which have been a part of the Renfrew Conference for the past three decades.  In learning from experts in the eating disorders field, we will explore how this knowledge informs us all going forward and identifies the challenges ahead.  Please join us for this virtual program where we remain committed to providing our long-standing legacy of cutting-edge learning opportunities and connection to one another! 


Keynote Presentations:
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: Therapy From Both Sides of the Couch

Lori Gottlieb, MFT, psychotherapist and author of The New York Times bestseller


Genes, Environment and You. Implications For Personal Illness Narratives or “Why Me?”

Cynthia Bulik, PhD, FAED, world-renowned researcher in the field of eating disorders


Giving Voice

Soledad O’Brien, award-winning journalist, entrepreneur and host


For more information or to register please visit or contact Kelly Krausz at 1-877-367-3383 or