2023 pre-conference sessions

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Full Day Session Session 1 -  Counselors Negotiating the Legal and Ethical Complications of Working with Minors in Schools (Ethics)

This course has been reviewed and approved by the LPCA for 5 Ethic hours.

Speaker: Dr. Carolyn Stone

Counselors who work with minors in schools must negotiate the competing interests of the school environment, student’s need for confidentiality and the legal rights of parents to be the guiding voice in their children lives.   Updates on these competing interests will be discussed through court rulings and the new 2022 ASCA Ethical Standards. Legal rulings and ethical practice will be highlighted in areas such as confidentiality, academic advising, child abuse, educational records, sexual harassment, first amendment rights, and transgender youth to name a few.  Particular attention will be given to recent changes in federal, case, and Georgia state laws to facilitate participants’ legal literacy and provide guiding principles to support best ethical practice. 

Certifications of completion will be distributed to members at the end of this 6-hour pre-conference session.

Carolyn Stone is a Professor of Counselor Educator who researches in the areas of school counselor development; legal and ethical issues.  Dr. Stone was the 2006 President of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and in July 2022 stepped down after 20 years as ASCA’s Ethics Chair where she chaired the last four revisions of the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors.  Dr. Stone was awarded ASCA’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010 and the Florida School Counselor Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012.  Dr. Stone has written 100 legal and ethical columns for ASCA’s School Counselor and the only legal and ethical book exclusively for school counselors now in the fifth edition.  Dr. Stone has provided keynote addresses and/or pre-conferences for all 50 state school counseling associations; presented 840 presentations (approximately 700 on legal and ethical issues for school counselors) to international/national/state school counseling conferences and school districts.  She has completed dozens of webinars for ASCA and guest lectures in counseling classes around the nation on legal and ethical issues. Dr. Stone hosted Michelle Obama’s third Reach Higher White House Convening in November 2015.  Prior to becoming a counselor educator in 1995, Dr. Stone spent 22 years with the Duval County Public Schools in Jacksonville, Florida where she served 239 school counselors as their district level supervisor and prior to that role was an elementary and high school counselor and middle school teacher. 

Full Day Session 2 - Restorative Practices

Speakers: Dr. Heather Alvira, Dr. Demetria Williams, and Kimberly Geer

We learn through relationships to value, understand, practice, and build crucial life skills of working together, providing support, critically challenging one another, and fostering each other's individual development, as well as the well-being of the community. Restorative practices in schools focus on cultivating relationships, which result in a positive, respectful, and inclusive school environment. Incorporating restorative practices into a comprehensive school counseling program empowers school counselors to lead the work in achieving this ideal status.
In this interactive learning experience, participants will learn the fundamental theory and practices of restorative practices for engaging with students, staff, and parents while addressing students’ needs within the multi-tiered system of support. Participants will have multiple opportunities to practice a new skill set and leave with ready to use resources for creating a positive learning environment, building social capital, and resolving relational issues. 

Dr. Heather Alvira is the Coordinator of Counseling, College & Career Services for Gwinnett County Public Schools, where she is responsible for coordinating, developing, and implementing appropriate programs and procedures for local schools in academic counseling, student support, college and career readiness, and crisis management. Dr. Alvira obtained her training credentials in restorative practices from the International Institute of Restorative Practices (IIRP) in 2022. Before assuming her current position as Coordinator, Dr. Alvira held positions as a classroom teacher, school counselor, and assistant principal.

Dr. Demetria Williams is the Director of Counseling, College & Career Services for Gwinnett County Public Schools, where she is responsible for directing, developing, and implementing appropriate programs and procedures for local schools in academic counseling, student support, college and career readiness, and crisis management for 142 schools with 180,000+ students.  Dr. Williams obtained her training credentials in restorative practices from the International Institute of Restorative Practices (IIRP) in 2022. Over the span of her 25+ years career, Dr. Williams has been a classroom teacher, school counselor, and assistant principal. Dr. Williams is a Past President of the Georgia School Counselor Association and a former ASCA Board Member.  

Kimberly Geer has been a Coordinator in Gwinnett County Public Schools’ Office of Counseling, College & Career Services for five years. She is responsible for coordinating, developing, and implementing appropriate programs and procedures for local schools in academic counseling, student support, college and career readiness, and crisis management.  Ms. Geer obtained her training credentials in restorative practices from the International Institute of Restorative Practices (IIRP) in 2022. Prior to joining the Counseling, College, and Career Services team, she was a school counselor in Gwinnett County for 13 years and 4 years at her alma mater in South Carolina. Ms. Geer has served as GSCA Professional Recognition Co-chair for two years.

Full Day Session 3  - Conflict Resilience & Mediatory Practices in the School Environment (Conflict Resilience)

Speakers: Dr. Chiquetta Thompson and Lee Robbins, Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire, Inc.

Increase your capacity to be conflict resilient by learning practical mediator skills. Learn about your own personal conflict style and conflict-management techniques you can use in your school (and with parents) to navigate conflict more confidently. Session provided by mediators registered with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution.

Dr. Chiquetta O. Thompson is a retired certified professional School Social Worker serving 30 years with the Savannah Chatham County Public School. She currently holds the position of Director of Youth Education programs at the Mediation Center of Coastal Empire. She is a Georgia registered civil mediator who develops and conducts conflict resolution training and peer-mediation training for children and youth.  She is the self-published author of I like Peanuts…but Peanuts Don’t Like Me and My Pineapple Eyes two beautifully illustrated children’s books with practical lessons teaching children how to manage food allergies.

Lee Robbins is the Director of Operations at The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire located in Savannah, Georgia. Lee Robbins joined the team at the Center in September 2012 while earning his Master of Social Work degree from Florida State University. He is a Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution registered mediator in civil, domestic, juvenile delinquency, and specialized domestic violence and is the current lead trainer for the Center.  Lee has trained 100+ mediators and provides continuing education courses for mediators, community members, judges, attorneys, paralegals, and court personnel.